The Beltas Law Firm
The Beltas Law Firm
Serving New York (NYC and Metro Area), California and Washington D.C.
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Landlords (Commercial and Residential)
Tenants (Commercial and Residential)
Real Estate Litigation (Supreme Court)
DHCR Proceedings
HP Proceedings
Bankruptcy (Chapter 7, 11 and 13)
Personal Debt (credit cards, taxes, etc.)
Commercial Debt (business expenses)
Creditors in Chapter 7, 11 and 13 cases
Collections - both creditors and debtors
Bar Admissions:
State of New York
US District Court, Eastern District of New York
US District Court, Southern District of New York
State of California
District of Columbia (Washington DC)
Member of:
City of New York Bar Association - Housing Committee (since 2014)
New York State Bar Association (since 2014)
Queens County Bar Association (since 2013)
District of Columbia Bar Association (since 2012)
California State Bar Association (since 2010)
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